May 29, 2007

What the fuck am I thinking?

Law school. LSAT. Bar exams.

And I'm seriously considering subjecting myself to this kind of insanity. The more I read the scarier it gets, but the more I want to do it. What does that say about me?

I've gotta be outta my mind for even thinking about this. I've been told what law school does to a person. The first year is about systematically breaking down your thinking patterns and brain washing you to think like a lawyer. Of course, with only one year of education, a half assed lawyer. But a lawyer none the less.

Maybe it's just today. The kind of day where you just feel like hiding until everyone outside the door rolls over and fucking dies. Because they're all stupid and obnoxious and a complete drain on society and resources. Especially the fucking punk ass who tried to spit a mouthful of something at me while I was walking to the mail box. He really needs to fall into a pit full of angry, rabid mongeese. Mongooses. Whatever. I mean -- what the fuck compels someone to do that kind of shit?

I'm pissed. And I think I'm nuts. But the registration for the LSAT is October 30th. And the exam is December 3rd. And the results are out January 9th. So I think this is a plan. I just wish the whole idea didn't make me feel like downing a bottle of valium (if I had such) with a tequila chaser.

My annoyance with the world runneth over. This is gonna be messy.

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Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."